Bluetooth LE - Android native to HoloLens GPS Sample

If anyone is interested, I put up a sample that shows how to setup and pass GPS position data using Bluetooth LE from Android to either a UWP application or directly to Hololens. The samples can easily be modified to send other types of data that you might want to pass from your phone such as touch based movement and input.

Based upon the great article at: GPS on the Microsoft Hololens - General and Gameplay Programming - Tutorials -

Hi @morizzvegas . The solution should work, but you might need to use the same version of Unity that I used to create it. From the top of my head, I think it was 2017.1, but it should say when you try and open the solution. There have been several breaking changes in other versions of Unity - I tried opening in 2017.2 but also got a load of errors due to such changes in Holotoolkit and Unity and due to lack of time didn’t get round to making any updates.

Let me know if you have any luck!