blur int on function start

hey guys wesley here igot a question .
is it possible to blur the screen on function start and let it fade out to normal in aboute sec?
i got the blur effect from image effects and im using unity pro 3.4.0
can you help me with the script? thanks

You could create a gui texture and then set the alpha to 1 and slowly putting it down to 0

var alpha:float;   // declare alpha

function Start(){
  alpha= 1;}        // set it to 1 so it covers the screen

function Update(){
  alpha -= Mathf.Clamp01(Time.deltaTime);   // Alter the value from 1 to 0, You need to tweak the value of deltaTime to get the desired time (hint: multiplication)
  guiTexture.color = new Color(0, 0, 0, alpha);}  // apply to the texture

I would guess that works. You could also, disable the script or destroyed the object once it gets to 0.