Blurry UI Text

I can’t seem to find a way to increase the quality of my text as you can see it is really bad but it’s only this scene in my menu scene the text is perfect but this scene is just bad. I have search through forums and watched some tutorials and nothing works. I even restarted the entire scene but it is still the same. I don’t know if I have done something wrong so if you have a solution please let me know.
,I can’t seem to find a way to increase the quality of my text as you can see it really bad. I have been searching all throughout forums and tutorials but nothing works. I even remade the entire scene. If you have a solution please let me know.

check the scale under Rect transform of the text, also check the scale of the parent both must be set to (1,1,1), if you need a bigger size of the text increase the font style do not increase the scale, by increasing the scale of the text or its parent will affect the quality of text. Hope this will solve your issue

A simple solution is to stop using the default Text component of Unity. Since Unity 2018, TextMeshPro is fully integrated to Unity and should definitely use it.

Click on the little gear of the various Text components on your objects, click on Remobe Component, then click on the Add component and select TMP Text