Board Game Basics

What I am trying to do is make a 3-D turn based board game similar in style to Civilization but without the RTS element.

The question I have is really more of help on specific references to use and not really asking for a hand out of how to do it.

I need a method to"
Set sectors on a board
Have a single to multiple space movement
End turn change to another player

I have read the tuts and even looked at the chess example posted on here for a way to understand but to no avail.


Civ does not have an RTS element. Anyway, Blackjack, a board game is not an easy programming task. I’ve never seen a tutorial that walks you through how to create a board game, but any tutorial would likely be fairly advanced. As such, I wouldn’t put your hopes on building a board game as your first Unity Project. Do something simpler, follow the Tornado Twins and Unity tutorials. As you gain an understanding of Unity and programming in general, understanding how to build a board game will come to you naturally.

As to specific questions, setting a board up & grid based movement. Check out iTween’s solution here: iTween for Unity by Bob Berkebile (pixelplacement)

For End Turn, change to another player, this is fairly simple game logic:

  • Have game complete a turn: RunTurn(Player player)
  • Have game wait for prompt via a player input (a simple GUI Button Press) and when that’s done, RunTurn(Player player) again.

For better understanding of how turns work, look for some tutorials on building card games like Black Jack.