Hi guys, I’m trying to create a simple board game, however my limited knowledge in C# is a real downer when it comes to realize the project. The intention is very simple, its a 8x8 board similar to chess, before each turn the player rolls a dice of 6 faces, the number rolled is used to limit the moves the player can perform(diagonal moves are allowed), similar to a combat system, I’ve been searching around and doing tutorials like the scavenger project, however I don’t rly want a random map . I’m projecting it using tilemaps but not sure where to begin. Can anyone point in me in right direction to achieve what I need?
You are listing several things, more like a wish list for a complete thing. Start with one thing. Figure out how to do it by googling and reading API docs. Then figure out the next one. You are not going to find any tailor made solution for your specific case, and it is usually like that.
Some ideas:
Throwing dice is nothing more than a random number between 0 and less than face count. You don’t even need tilemap, you could use it, but it would anyways be just for the visuals. You could simply have a grid defined with 2d array that stores your 8x8 grid. When it is player’s turn, before each move check if player move input is valid and only then allow movement. Then change player position in grid data and also move player in scene.