Boat Controller 2.0

Introducing boat physics for Unity3d!

NSdevStore Link

Boat Controller allow developers to create and configure wide range of boats.
Whether it’s a light JetSki or a heavy Cargo ship

Key Features:

  • Out-of-the-box boat physics
  • Realistic buoyancy component
  • Easy to setup

WebGL Preview



v1.1 November 22, 2016

  • Improved boat stability
  • Replaced legacy particles with new particle system
  • Added buoyancy component to make floatable objects
  • Added new island map

Great news, I’m working on a Boat Sim. Unfortunately I’m a better 3d artists than a programmer. I really need a good Boat Controller for Unity.

For the buoyancy I use Realistic Water Physics. And currently I use Ceto Ocean but I will switch to PlayWay Water. Can I use the Boat Controller in conjunction with these plugins?

Another questions, can you also add support for submarines?


Essentially a boat is a rigidbody so I assume it should work with any of those water physics. If not, feel free to report any bug here.

About submarine, I just wrote a simple script that submerges boat over time. I’m not going to include it with package but rather post it here once package is approved on Asset Store

Here is gif demonstrating it in action:

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Sorry for not updating this thread, many things happend since my last post.

AssetStore review took really long time (around 3 weeks) but BoatController ended up being declined. The reason they stated is because it’s not up to their “standarts”, but I really think it was unfairly declined.
And from now on I will think twice before submitting anything to AssetStore again.

Anyway due to this I’m reopening my website

BoatController can be found here:

Also I will be releasing my other work there (FPS Kit 2.0, FPS Kit 3.0 and many more).

Thanks and Stay tuned!

Well that’s too bad, was looking forward for this… can buy from your site though (is there paypal support?)

Anyways, is it possible to make the floating work so that the boat never goes underwater? (kind of hard clamp or something?)
As it seems like it sinks too easily with few bumps… (normal boat wouldn’t go that deep underwater, even if it jumps)

Also, if i want to make the boat flip when drove into a rock, is that possible? (so it would float maybe upside down then after falling)

Yes you can pay using either PayPal or credit card.

About boat going underwater on impact, I will be looking into this issue tomorrow and will try to release an updated version the same day.

And about flipping the boat, it certainly can be flipped if enough force is applied

Also just for the info, once package is purchased, all the updates are free. You can download new version at any time by going to Downloads page on site

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Thanks, no rush!

Random boat video in youtube, can see in start how it goes over those wave bumps, but hardly sinks at all,
also boats are not so ‘bouncy’ over the water. (even if a person would be jumping inside the boat)

maybe you can add small ramp on the webgl demo to jump, and test how it works (to simulate driving over a wave) ?

*Planning to use the plugin for this game,

Some news on the upcoming update:

  • Boat stability has been greatly improved (not going underwater on impact anymore, also less “wobbly”)
  • Added new buoyancy component which makes objects float on water
  • Added steering component that turns rudder left/right depending on the input
  • Added new island map

Here is demo:
NOTE: WebGL is still a bit laggy on some browsers

P.S. Planning to release new update next week


New version has bee released!



v1.1 November 22, 2016

  • Improved boat stability
  • Replaced legacy particles with new particle system
  • Added buoyancy component to make floatable objects
  • Added new island map

Thanks, purchased, will test later.

btw. Have you considered selling it on those other asset stores?
(cannot remember their names right now, but there are few big ones, maybe more customers there can own custom store)

Cool, thanks!

About other asset stores, I remember there were couple of them (specifically for Unity 3D) however they don’t seem to exist anymore.

Right now there is not much stuff on nsdevstore, however I’m planning to release couple more projects during the next month which will hopefully attract more users

Submit it again, it is improving as a product. Looks very useful, just done my own boat physics system so don’t need it but looks useful for others.

Works fine so far, some ideas if want to add more boat’y features:

  • Put scripts to their own namespace
  • if drive fast, then release W key, boat wont turn if press A/D (real boat would turn a bit at least)
  • could have reverseSpeed variable (usually very slow to drive reverse)
  • if I have a boat model with Z Forward, would that work? (it seems like example boat has X forward?), maybe it could be enum/option to select forward axis?
  • Reverse speed: could have adjustable delay before reverse starts running, like in real boat (have to switch into reverse mode)
  • Collision sounds? (boat scratch on rock, hit sand beach, splash when “jumping” ?)
  • Fuel amount, usage?
  • Could have custom inspectors, tooltip or sliders to some values
  • Speedboat example (would this work in highspeeds, turns)
  • Could include this:
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Well I might give it another try but review times are really long these days (2 - 3 weeks minimum for new packages)

  • Put scripts to their own namespace
    Will consider doing it

  • if drive fast, then release W key, boat wont turn if press A/D (real boat would turn a bit at least)
    I think it depends on the boat. For example, JetSki uses water stream to move so once engine is stopped it wont respond to steering anymore, but I’m going to add it as optional parameter

  • could have reverseSpeed variable (usually very slow to drive reverse)
    Will consider adding variable for reverse speed

  • if I have a boat model with Z Forward, would that work? (it seems like example boat has X forward?), maybe it could be enum/option to select forward axis?
    I dont think that’s an issue since the root object always have the same rotation. Just rotate boat model to match the direction of root

  • Reverse speed: could have adjustable delay before reverse starts running, like in real boat (have to switch into reverse mode)

  • Collision sounds? (boat scratch on rock, hit sand beach, splash when “jumping” ?)

  • Fuel amount, usage?
    Will consider adding it

  • Could have custom inspectors, tooltip or sliders to some values
    I don’t think custom inspector is needed in this case as there is not much variables at the moment

  • Speedboat example (would this work in highspeeds, turns)
    It should work, I have tested it and turns are stable enough (unless the speed is in unrealistic ranges)

  • Could include this:
    Very useful link, will be definitely adding it


Testing some more,

  • Instead of using that boat+water-trigger-collider system, could be better to allow just setting water Y height (and then calculate from that if boat needs force to be added), so that would save a few colliders…?

  • Option to turn engine on/off, it could be some public method in the boatcontroller.

  • Option to adjust engine volume (maybe just a multiplier slider or float value in inspector?) *or have the audiosource component already in the boat, instead of creating it runtime

Is there an easy way of using this with Playway Water?

i think it relies on flat surface (y) position, so it would have to be modified for to get those animated wave heights…

Yeah hence the “easy way”, Ive tried with no success.

Just cant find a boat controller for Unity, this seems to be the only asset available and although it works on a flat surface I really need to use wave motion/physics from Playway.

Unfortunately I dont have enough programming skills to accomplish this on my own.

Is this asset still being developed or is this a dead product?

found another controller, this ones seems to have come to EOL.

Would you mind sharing your findings? I’m also looking for a suitable boat controller.

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