Boat physics suggestions

So dynamic bodies are just not stable enough when we factor in buoyancy and collisions using a simple single body setup. Our boats need mostly the same level of predictable behaviour that characters have.

So formulating a plan and looking for other ideas I might have missed. Mostly are there simpler approaches I missed as this is all getting a bit complex.

The basic idea is start with a very simple stable body, a cylinder and move it on flat plane. I setup a test controller for this and it is extremely stable with some basic tweaking of mass/damping/friction/restitution.

Boats have to interact with terrain as well as runtime placed structures that can be in the water, and other boats. For stability all surfaces boats interact with other then the ground plane have to be 90 degrees, straight up. So I’d need to build out special colliders just for boats to interact with. Items are easy just add box colliders and increase the y axis by some amount. Terrain I was thinking build a convex hull from points so the terrain edges are all vertical faces. Not a lot of accuracy needed there, faces within 10 meters or so of where water meets terrain would be fine.

For buoyancy create dynamic bodies that are only affected by buoyancy and don’t interact with anything. Transform the force positions from where the ship really is to these bodies.

Finally the body that is displayed and that characters interact with is kinematic. We combined the simple dynamic moving body with the buoyancy results and the result of that is the kinematic body movement. So we move the kinematic body via changing Translation/Rotation directly, but we also have to track the combined linear velocity as the character controller solver will need that.

Buoyancy it looks like I could just rip some of the logic from Unity.Physics for applying and then integrating velocities, skip bodies entirely there.

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I would recommend avoiding the dynamic bodies completely. Unless you need a high degree of precision based on reactions with buoyancy I would use a custom kinematic controller that reacts to buoyancy forces (or at least looks like it does). Tweaking a kinematic character controller (like the one provided in the Unity Physics samples) would be a straight forward approach. The water could be its own layer / physics tag. Intersections with / the penetration level of a plane on this layer can be used when determining / generating buoyancy forces. Interactions with builds / terrain could generate a bounce force.


Buoyancy in this case is very precise as far as relative to the water surface, and on large waves. I have that working outside of physics though now.

I’m not convinced Kinematic actually solves much here. The hard problem is boats interacting in ways that make them do bad things. Which is mostly about the colliders and removing the buoyancy rotations from bodies that collide. Those things combined make a very unpredictable collision context.

Kinematic is relatively more stable then dynamic but the more constrained the environment the less that is an issue. It’s turning out that it’s pretty much a non issue with the right set of colliders and settings.

So it ended up that the DOF joint from the physics samples really worked well here. Completely stable for the problem at hand and simplified things overall. Should really just add the most useful joints like DOF to the release.