I am creating a Boids bee system and for some reason, my bees keep going through my beehive game object. I put colliders on both the bees and the beehive along with Rigidbodies but they seem to still be going through. I tested and found out that the beehive is detecting the bees when they go through it but the collider is still not stopping them. I’ll provide the code below and a few screenshots, If anyone knows how to fix this I would really appreciate it!
public class Boids : MonoBehaviour
private const float G = 500f;
private const float EPSILON = 0.0001f;
public static GameObject[] body;
BodyProperty[] bp;
public static int numberOfSphere = 150;
public GameObject bees;
public Vector3 boxCenter = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); // Center of the rectangular box
public float boxWidth = 80f; // Width of the box along the X-axis
public float boxHeight = 45f; // Height of the box along the Y-axis
public float boxDepth = 12f; // Depth of the box along the Z-axis
public float xScale;
public float yScale;
public float zScale;
public string configFileName = "configurations.txt"; // Name of the configuration file
public string selectedConfig = "";// Name of the desired configuration
[Range(0f, 20f)]
public float limitVelocity = 11.5f;
[Range(0f, 10f)]
public float limitAccelo = 6f;
[Range(0f, 5f)]
public float separationForce = 1.2f;
[Range(0f, 4f)]
public float separationDistance = 1.2f;
[Range(0f, 20f)]
public float homeForce = 20f;
[Range(4f, 20f)]
public float cohesionForce = 4.6f;
[Range(0f, 10f)]
public float alignmentForce = 1f;
private float time;
struct BodyProperty
public float mass;
public Vector3 velocity;
public Vector3 acceleration;
void Start()
string filePath = Path.Combine(Application.dataPath, configFileName);
LoadConfig(filePath, selectedConfig);
bp = new BodyProperty[numberOfSphere];
body = new GameObject[numberOfSphere];
// Calculate half dimensions for spawn range
float halfBoxWidth = boxWidth / 2f;
float halfBoxHeight = boxHeight / 2f;
float halfBoxDepth = boxDepth / 2f;
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfSphere; i++)
body[i] = GameObject.Instantiate(bees);
// Generate random position within rectangular box bounds
float xPos = Random.Range(boxCenter.x - halfBoxWidth, boxCenter.x + halfBoxWidth);
float yPos = Random.Range(boxCenter.y - halfBoxHeight, boxCenter.y + halfBoxHeight);
float zPos = Random.Range(boxCenter.z - halfBoxDepth, boxCenter.z + halfBoxDepth);
body[i].transform.position = new Vector3(xPos, yPos, zPos);
body[i].transform.localScale = new Vector3(xScale, yScale, zScale);
// Set random initial velocity within limits
bp[i].velocity = new Vector3(Random.Range(-1f, 1f), Random.Range(-1f, 1f), Random.Range(-1f, 1f)).normalized * limitVelocity;
bp[i].mass = 10;
void LoadConfig(string filePath, string configName)
// Read all lines from the file
string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(filePath);
foreach (string line in lines)
// Split the line into parts by commas
string[] parts = line.Split(',');
// Check if the line matches the desired configuration name
if (parts.Length > 1 && parts[0].Trim() == configName)
// Parse and assign values to variables
limitVelocity = float.Parse(parts[1].Trim());
limitAccelo = float.Parse(parts[2].Trim());
separationForce = float.Parse(parts[3].Trim());
separationDistance = float.Parse(parts[4].Trim());
homeForce = float.Parse(parts[5].Trim());
cohesionForce = float.Parse(parts[6].Trim());
alignmentForce = float.Parse(parts[7].Trim());
xScale = float.Parse(parts[8].Trim());
yScale = float.Parse(parts[9].Trim());
zScale = float.Parse(parts[10].Trim());
void Update()
time += Time.deltaTime;
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfSphere; i++)
bp[i].acceleration = Vector3.zero;
// Apply Cohesion and Alignment forces
bp[i].acceleration += Cohesion(i);
bp[i].acceleration += Alignment(i);
// Loop through other boids to apply gravity and separation
for (int j = i + 1; j < numberOfSphere; j++)
Vector3 distance = body[j].transform.position - body[i].transform.position;
float m1 = bp[i].mass;
float m2 = bp[j].mass;
Vector3 gravity = CalculatePull(distance, m1, m2);
if (distance.sqrMagnitude > separationDistance)
bp[i].acceleration += gravity / m1;
bp[j].acceleration -= gravity / m2;
bp[i].acceleration -= gravity / m1 * separationForce;
bp[j].acceleration += gravity / m2 * separationForce;
// Limit acceleration
if (bp[i].acceleration.sqrMagnitude > limitAccelo)
bp[i].acceleration = bp[i].acceleration.normalized * limitAccelo;
// Add home force to bring boids towards the center of the box if they drift too far
Vector3 originVector = (boxCenter - body[i].transform.position).normalized * homeForce;
bp[i].acceleration += originVector;
// Update velocity
bp[i].velocity += bp[i].acceleration * Time.deltaTime;
// Limit velocity
if (bp[i].velocity.sqrMagnitude > limitVelocity)
bp[i].velocity = bp[i].velocity.normalized * limitVelocity;
// Check for NaN values in velocity and acceleration
if (IsValidVector(bp[i].velocity))
body[i].transform.position += bp[i].velocity * Time.deltaTime;
// Make the object face the direction of its velocity
if (bp[i].velocity.sqrMagnitude > EPSILON) // Ensure velocity isn't close to zero
body[i].transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(bp[i].velocity);
// Keep boids within the box bounds
private Vector3 CalculatePull(Vector3 distanceVector, float m1, float m2)
// Avoid division by zero by adding EPSILON
float distanceSqr = distanceVector.sqrMagnitude + EPSILON;
Vector3 gravity = G * m1 * m2 / distanceSqr * distanceVector.normalized;
return gravity;
private Vector3 Cohesion(int currentBoidIndex)
Vector3 centerOfMass = Vector3.zero;
int neighborCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfSphere; i++)
if (i != currentBoidIndex)
Vector3 distance = body[i].transform.position - body[currentBoidIndex].transform.position;
if (distance.sqrMagnitude < separationDistance)
centerOfMass += body[i].transform.position;
if (neighborCount == 0) return Vector3.zero;
centerOfMass /= neighborCount;
return (centerOfMass - body[currentBoidIndex].transform.position).normalized * cohesionForce;
private Vector3 Alignment(int currentBoidIndex)
Vector3 avgVelocity = Vector3.zero;
int neighborCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfSphere; i++)
if (i != currentBoidIndex)
Vector3 distance = body[i].transform.position - body[currentBoidIndex].transform.position;
if (distance.sqrMagnitude < separationDistance)
avgVelocity += bp[i].velocity;
if (neighborCount == 0) return Vector3.zero;
avgVelocity /= neighborCount;
return (avgVelocity - bp[currentBoidIndex].velocity).normalized * alignmentForce;
private void ConstrainToBox(int boidIndex)
float halfBoxWidth = boxWidth / 2f;
float halfBoxHeight = boxHeight / 2f;
float halfBoxDepth = boxDepth / 2f;
Vector3 minBound = boxCenter - new Vector3(halfBoxWidth, halfBoxHeight, halfBoxDepth);
Vector3 maxBound = boxCenter + new Vector3(halfBoxWidth, halfBoxHeight, halfBoxDepth);
Vector3 newPosition = body[boidIndex].transform.position;
if (newPosition.x < minBound.x) newPosition.x = minBound.x;
else if (newPosition.x > maxBound.x) newPosition.x = maxBound.x;
if (newPosition.y < minBound.y) newPosition.y = minBound.y;
else if (newPosition.y > maxBound.y) newPosition.y = maxBound.y;
if (newPosition.z < minBound.z) newPosition.z = minBound.z;
else if (newPosition.z > maxBound.z) newPosition.z = maxBound.z;
body[boidIndex].transform.position = newPosition;
private bool IsValidVector(Vector3 vector)
return !(float.IsNaN(vector.x) || float.IsNaN(vector.y) || float.IsNaN(vector.z));
Bee hive collider and rigid body
The bee collider and rigid body are the same with the exception of gravity and kinematic being checked off for the bee.