hi there. im very new to unity, so i apologise if this has been covered. i tried searching the forums for this but got a bit confused. so i anyone could point me int he right direction, be much appreciated. i.e. a tutorials online somewhere.
i have created an animated fish in maya(skinned and rigged) and exported the animation and mesh into unity, and it moves fine. however what i want to do is link the fish to a boid script. there were quite a few boid scripts out there. and was wondering how i could “link” one of these fish meshes to either replace or be a boid.
i thought i was close when using the mesh particle emitter. but no luck. sorry if this is a noob question. this is my first and at some sort of understanding coding. thanks in advanced.
sorry noob. just found out particle mesh means something else.
that was the script i imported in. i was assuming the part where it says
var boid = Instantiate(prefab, transform.position, transform.rotation);
is where i have to define what i want the boid to be. i.e. the fish. or am i wrong?
i was hoping tht i could try and understand the script by replacing the boid demo with the fish in hope to see the change and try and understand the script from there but no luck. sadly i dont have a coding background as im an animator (ssshhh…)
Did you download and import the package file: http://www.unifycommunity.com/wiki/images/1/12/Flocking.unityPackage.zip ? That should have everything already set up. Looks like it needs a prefab (your fish) and a gameobject (the “chasee”). I haven’t tried this script in a while, but it looks pretty straightforward. You might need to modify it to simulate fish though.
yeah, that was the flock file i downloaded and tried to change. i started to visit things like gameobjects and prefabs and that seems to better my understanding of how unity work. so thanks for that. but i still cant get the particles to be linked with my fish model?