Boldface not working well on android

Hello people. I have a problem with textmesh. Two actually. The first is that boldface text doesn’t work properly on android. As you can see in the image below, the bolded text on the pc is clearly very bold. Although there’s a degree of the boldness on android, it’s not as emphasized as I’d want it to be. Colour works fine. I use tags < b >Bolded text< /b > without the spaces.

The second problem is on the pc. My game is a card game. The suits are shapes consisting of Circles, Crosses, Squares, Triangles and Stars. In text, I use the characters :black_circle: ✚ ■ ▲ ★ to represent them. Those characters show up fine on android, but on PC and in the editor, the cross (✚) doesn’t show up.

Thanks for taking the time to read. I’m awaiting your suggestions/solutions.

Have you added the fonts you are using to your projects assets? Make sure that you have both the bold and regular version and that they have the same name in the Font Names property (they should each appear in the “References to other fonts in project” section).