I wa trying my hand at Anima2D for the first time, and I tried to rig a character. During this process I found a weird issue with one of my character’s arms, and one of the legs. While the right arm and the left leg binded with their bones properly. The left arm completely disapeared after I binded it to the bone. It’s weights also appear black. Moving the bone does not move this arm. When I say it dissapeared, I mean, it still exists in the file in the scene (but is not visible somehow) as the transform box is still around it, and you can see it in the sprite mesh editor, but can’t see it in the scene window. And yes it’s visibility is on.
I am unsure how to proceed. How do I get the arm to come back visible, and how do I bind it to it’s bones? Why did this happen only to half the body, while the other half moves, and acts the way required.
Can anyone help me?
I also keep getting this warning for some body parts(that work and act as desired): Number of sprite mesh bind poses and number of bones does not match.
Attaching a screenshot for the dissaperared arm that has not binded well and has black weights.