Bones for locating items and Aim/Shoot animations in Mecanim

My son and I are in the process of learning Mecanim and Playmaker and are having a bit of trouble with bones.

I created a PalmGrip bone in the characters hand, in blender, to provide a location for a character’s gun. Having no weight, or not being assigned to deform causes Unity to strip this bone from the model when it gets imported. Adding a Blender empty doesn’t help as that gets removed as well. Assigning a small amount of weight to the bone, and a vertex group doesn’t seem to work either, despite this being the hack recommended on the web. It seems that unity has just decided not to have a PalmGrip Bone/Empty. Any insight into this please?

We have temporarily parented the gun to the characters main hand bone for now - is there a tutorial anyone can recommend for aim and shoot animations in the Animator? Not sure how best to approach the whole thing. We’ve got WASD and mouselook working - should aim and shoot be an animator node transitioning from the top level Movement node, or be inside that, transitioning from Walk - or something else?

My MediumRobot is just itching to shoot some stuff.

Thanks for reading,

Ok the Grip Empty has showed up, it just wasn’t in the bones hierarchy - why would it be, I suppose?

Still love to hear your thoughts on bringing MediumBlaster carnage to the Animator though :slight_smile: