Hello all,
We have begun evaluating other game engines to determine if a competing product does a better job than what we currently utilize.
Unity is a front runner for sure however we have a considerable amount of ‘backend’ type work that I would prefer to not throw away unless a suitable replacement can be found or implemented quickly.
We currently utilize an embedded python interpreter and heavily utilize the twisted framework (http://twistedmatrix.com) to handle client / server calls using the prospective broker as well as database connection pooling / abstraction to remove direct interaction from the client.
Is it possible to somehow use twisted within unity? If not does it have built in objects that do what twisted does better ?(ie: database connection pooling, not letting the clients connect direct to the db engine)
I quickly thumbed through the documentation but I didn’t see anything.
Another somewhat ‘silly’ question. If Unity uses mono does that mean I have LINQ and all those other cool .NET things? I assume if that was the case I would just start sending client/server messages through unity and handling my database logic server side in c# script instead of python script through twisted, is this thought process valid?