BOO: Unexpected Errors

Hey Guys, I’ve added another class to my project and now I’m getting some weird errors!
I don’t know the problem, I’ve only added another class ( BlockPhysics class)

import UnityEngine

public class BlockTexture(): // function parameters are the position in the texture
	public top as Vector2
	public north as Vector2
	public east as Vector2
	public south as Vector2
	public west as Vector2
	public bottom as Vector2
	def textureIndexToPosition(i as int):
		y as int = Mathf.Floor(i/Blocks.textureSize)
		x as int = i - y * Blocks.textureSize
		return Vector2(x, y)
	def constructor(_top as int, _north as int, _east as int, _south as int, _west as int, _bottom as int):
		top    = textureIndexToPosition(_top)
		north  = textureIndexToPosition(_north)
		east   = textureIndexToPosition(_east)
		south  = textureIndexToPosition(_south)
		west   = textureIndexToPosition(_west)
		bottom = textureIndexToPosition(_bottom)
public class BlockPhysics():
	public isSolid as bool
	def constructor(_isSolid as bool):
		isSolid = _isSolid
public class BlockType():
	public id as int
	public name as string
	public texture as BlockTexture
	public physics as BlockPhysics
	def constructor(_id as int, _name as string, _texture as BlockTexture, _physics as BlockPhysics):
		id      = _id
		name    = _name
		texture = _texture
		physics = _physics

public static class Blocks (MonoBehaviour): 
	public textureSize as int = 10;

	public blockList as List = [
		BlockType(0, "Bedrock",BlockTexture(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), BlockPhysics(true)),
		BlockType(1, "Stone",  BlockTexture(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), BlockPhysics(true)),
		BlockType(2, "Dirt",   BlockTexture(2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2), BlockPhysics(true)),
		BlockType(3, "Grass",  BlockTexture(4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2), BlockPhysics(true)),
		BlockType(4, "Wood",   BlockTexture(6, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6), BlockPhysics(true)),
		BlockType(5, "Leaves", BlockTexture(7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7), BlockPhysics(true)),
		BlockType(6, "Glass",  BlockTexture(8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8), BlockPhysics(true))
	public def getBlockById(id):
		return blockList[id]	

Assets/Scripts/Blocks/,23): BCE0018: The name ‘BlockTexture’ does not denote a valid type (‘not found’).
Assets/Scripts/Blocks/,23): BCE0018: The name ‘BlockPhysics’ does not denote a valid type (‘not found’).
Assets/Scripts/Blocks/,62): BCE0018: The name ‘BlockTexture’ does not denote a valid type (‘not found’).
Assets/Scripts/Blocks/,88): BCE0018: The name ‘BlockPhysics’ does not denote a valid type (‘not found’).
Assets/Scripts/Level/,9): BCE0039: Internal macro ‘BlockType’ could not be compiled. Errors were reported.

Thanks in advance!

try using

public texture = BlockTexture()
public physics = BlockPhysics()