Book animations not working

I have looked in many places and have yet to find my solution. It seems as if every time I try to make progress it causes other problems. Its probably around Day 5 of trying to find a solution. My main problem is my page flip animation, I just figured out how to stop it from playing twice, I also got it to be able to be controlled by 1 animation using the “Speed” feature. Now whenever I play the animation backwards or forward it plays the opposite way and then reverses after a certain time. I don’t understand why this is happening.
Thanks in advance!

My script:

public Animator Book_Animator;
private bool db = false;
public PlayerScript playerScript;
public bool Open = false;
private float Horizontal_Input;

void Update()
    if (Open == true) 
        Horizontal_Input = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
    } else 
        Horizontal_Input = 0;
    if (Input.GetKeyDown("e"))
        if (db == false)
            if (Open == true)
                playerScript.CanWalk = true;
                Open = false;
                Book_Animator.SetBool("Open", false);
            } else 
                playerScript.CanWalk = false;
                Open = true;
                Book_Animator.SetBool("Open", true);

void FixedUpdate() 
    if (Horizontal_Input != 0 && Open == true && db == false) 
        if (Horizontal_Input > 0) 
            Book_Animator.SetBool("Flip", true);
            Book_Animator.SetFloat("Direction", 1);
        } else if (Horizontal_Input < 0)
            Book_Animator.SetBool("Flip", true);
            Book_Animator.SetFloat("Direction", -1);
public void Anim_Start()
    db = true;
public void Anim_End()
    db = false;
    Book_Animator.SetBool("Flip", false);

For me, as a programmer, animating using the animator paths was always a nightmare for me. The tutorial below is basically how I do all my animations now, which skips the paths all together and does everything programmatically. For me, this style makes it a lot easier for it to do just what you want to do when you want it to do it.

Please provide a screenshot of all variables in Animator view and also what conditions have you specified in all those transitions?

Book animation is the most difficult element. This mistake is common. As a student project, my classmates and I wanted to make an animated book based on essays about Malcolm X for Malcolm X Essay Examples - Argumentative Topics for Research Papers Various journalists who covered the work of human rights activists often wrote interesting points about Malcolm’s biography. We wanted to make a more interesting version to popularize their paper work, but also encountered this Unity functionality bug. For now, we are making our book in a simpler version, if we can come up with a new solution, then I will write about it on the forum later.