Book of the Dead

where is this HD RP - (Lit Shader) shader?

In the new Render Pipeline HD preset. Will be out with 2018.1 prolly

SRP - HD Pipe is needed

If you’ve downloaded any of the releases on GitHub or create a project from the templates, you’ll have this shader. It’s the default shader for the materials now, equivalent to the Standard Shader currently in the default renderer.

Any new material created with the HD pipe in use will automatically use it.

It was said at the beta forum that HD pipeline will remain experimental in 2018.1 release and will be production ready only later this year, like in .2 or .3

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I think that was for the lightweight one.

I thought the lightweight one was supposed to be the one closest to pre 2018 rendering and thus having a higher priority.

Hmm… I could not find the original post I remember reading the comment from but here are a couple that could indicate the same about HD

Feedback Wanted: Scriptable Render Pipelines page-5#post-3369301

This is fascinating to me! Has anyone tried this out with some more detailed trees? Alternative to speed tree perhaps?

I’ve used it on some smaller foilage (ferns and grass) and it worked fine. I haven’t tested it on any trees yet though.

Do share! How do you do this?

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First of all, SRP is still experimental so things might change in the future especially for ease of use.

Currently, this is how you can setup wind animation for foliage

Needed - If your project was made from the HD template or was added by the package manager you will need the Scriptable Render Pipeline Data files from GitHub. If you got your project from the SRP GitHub repository you should already have what’s needed.

First thing is to enable Vertex Animation for the shader

Then you need to create an empty game object and add the “Shader Wind Settings” script to it.
Then you can play with your settings to get the look you want. (Note: This will animate the whole mesh. I haven’t messed with vertex painting to stop parts of the object from moving so I can’t speak on that aspect.)


Thanks @Grimreaper358 , I’m excited to get home a try this!

Whats the process for the vertex painting? is this done in Unity as well? thanks for your time!

At GDC it was said that demo forest will be available for download. Is there any ETA for that?

Any idea when we can expect 2018.1 release? says April 2018.

3459388--274318--Screen Shot 2018-04-12 at 12.11.43.png


Still waiting on an actual look at this demo. It’s not much of a demo if it’s never released.

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Yea, you can do it in Unity with Poly Brush, and also in most DCC 3d program

What happened to the release? This video says the level and all the assets to be released in April.

Fake News I guess.

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Might have been waiting for 2018.1 to make it out, officially …?

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