Book of the Dead

Hi Guys,
Has anybody tried to use the book of the dead demo in VR?
I tried it today very quickly. I imported the Steamvr asset and got an error about the canvas and can’t run with VR.

Any ideas?

The HD render pipeline that the demo is built upon does not support VR yet.

I’ll have to keep waiting then.
Thanks for the reply.

Thank you for releasing this. I have already started with the ‘AssetsLibrary’ scene to test the possibly of porting “Breath of a Forest” over from Unreal to Unity if the HD pipeline will have AR/VR support in final release of 2018.2. Is there a possibility of the stereo 360 capture working with it as well?

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The release of 2018.2 is not far away now and unless I’ve missed some important detail somewhere, AR/VR support for HD pipeline is still some way off, not a 2018.2 target.

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Or maybe it is more complicated than my previous post indicated, I just dont know.

For example the following link is to a recent list of what features are supported in HD in 2018.1, and then a list of what is additionally supported in 2018.2.

[#758]( Feedback Wanted: Scriptable Render Pipelines page-16#post-3555580)

There are a couple of features that mention VR listed in the 2018.1 section, but I’m sort of assuming that more than those are required to support VR properly. Will post again if I find more info.


Yea, my thoughts as well so that is disappointing but understandable. I guess I will have to stick with Unreal, which is not an issue since similar photo-realistic assets are available as well. I was hoping someone chime in if the 360 capture works since it doesn’t use the VR pipeline, but I guess I will test it. If I can capture stereo frames, this will help me in adapting these to the Oculus Go / Carmack 5K video encoder.

Is the hand along with the material already to be downloaded somewhere to look a look at how it’s set up?

Starting with the default “3D” settings and importing into Unity 2018.2.2f1 (64-bit), all I get is some errors and empty scenes, with missing assembly reference.

Where it says"3d" on your new project options click there you should see some new options for scene type.

You need to load the necessary packages. Start by opening the package manager.

Window → Package Manager

After that click the “All” tab and import the following packages.


Once that’s done it should work.

Turned out in the end that it was an import problem. I repeated the process about 4 times on different project folders until it imported correctly. Didn’t change anything, just 3D and import.

It’s quirky like that I guess.

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Is there any way to jst download the models in package i try to jst download the art folder in the package but everything still comes out pink

I have to admit that Unity got a long way in graphics. I haven’t had time to use HDsrp that much so it looks to me like a lot has been added. I might try converting some of my assets to HD sometime in the future, I’m one of those people that never gets satisfied with lightning (and I messed up with my pbr till now). Also, downloaded the demo, looks good but I have a question. Does the post-processing have some sort of light scattering or something? Kinda looks like SEGI voxel lights. I don’t know anything about the lighting in HD yet…

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Woooow! It’s really awesome and it looks so real:)

Looks cool

Does anybody have any idea if the full interactive book of the dead will be published any time soon?

Hi, Please Unity people let Us use this Envonment for VR projects since I am trying some VR ready Environment and all of them are very poor. If anydoby know some VR Natural Enviroment that it really was good, please let me know it. Thanks

hi guys, I’ve just installed Unity Beta 2018.3.0b2 and when I click on the open in unity link of the “book of the dead” project, it just takes me to a dashboard showing me tutorials and projects but doesn’t show me anything related to this project. Any insight on what I might be doing wrong?

the graphics look great. It’s really awesome that Unity made the assets available. Now just a waiting game for VR adaptation… Come on team Unity!!