I’m looking for some good books on game design and principals, kindle preferably. By game design I mean theories of keeping players coming back, learning curves etc not how to program and stuff like that.
I could not recommend any.
The most cost-effective are YouTube videos and free projects you can download to learn.
Many books are re-hashed content that was originally from their Unity 2.xx books.
Many private pay-per-month websites have mostly old Unity 2.xx content.
(When you find out most of the content is rehashed from Unity 2.xx books, videos – that sucks if you asked me…)
I’ve read level Up and it is indeed good. Most people have made 1-2 games will already know 95% of the stuff, so I read it more for inspiration purposes. These types of books also “clear up” some notions that you might have already have but that were still quite vague