Hi guys ive made a script for a GUI that has a button on a boolean that is at the bottom of the screen and when it is tapped it opens a GUIbox with buttons that when these buttons are tapped they open a new scene in it and then when the original button is tapped again it closes the GUIbox.
But with this script when i tap the “select team” button it opens up the liverpoolkit scene with out the button labelled liverpool being tapped. Any idea what is wrong with my code?
Thanks in advance
var isBoxShowing : boolean;
function OnGUI () {
if(GUI.Button(Rect((Screen.width * 0.5) - 200, Screen.height - 90, 200, 70), "choose your shirt"))
isBoxShowing = !isBoxShowing;
GUI.Box(Rect((Screen.width * 0.5) -200,(Screen.height * 0.5) - 300, 400, 600), "select team");
if(GUI.Button(Rect((Screen.width * 0.5) -180,(Screen.height * 0.5) - 260, 360, 40), "Chelsea"));
if(GUI.Button(Rect((Screen.width * 0.5) -180,(Screen.height * 0.5) - 210, 360, 40), "Barcelona"));
if(GUI.Button(Rect((Screen.width * 0.5) -180,(Screen.height * 0.5) - 160, 360, 40), "Manchester"));
if(GUI.Button(Rect((Screen.width * 0.5) -180,(Screen.height * 0.5) - 110, 360, 40), "Liverpool"));