Why does my boolean object disapear on some of its faces. When I set the MESH RENDERER ELEMENT to none it magically shows up.
Its probably there, but its surface normal is facing the wrong way, so if you rotate it around, you should see the surfaces"underside" instead. If you dont follow what I mean, tell us your modelling application and we’ll advise.
Id say you have to flip the normals on one of your objects.
Thanks for the lead. I am using Strata 3d Pro 5.5, I tried the flip face (flip normal) and it made it worse. I found if I delete all the material in the assets folder the booleans show up correctly. The if I create a new material and attach to the booleans it works correctly, but the Strata 3d materials seem to cause a disapearing act.
Out of interest, would you post an export from strata? an obj/fbx or 3ds-I’d be interested to try and pinpoint what you encountered…
Attached Strata zip of StrataPro 5.5. Model of my home (in progress)
55005–2000–$starta_492.zip (51.6 KB)
Heh, well now I know strata’s not on my xmas list. That file crashes Unity for me.(1.6.2)
I think its do do with Unity not supporting .mtl files, but it could be something else.
Persevere and you’ll probably find a valid pipeline. Try not including mtl files. Its pretty easy to create a material and apply it.(Just drag and drop your texture from the project window into model in scene view)
Thanks for taking time to look at it. I will post a pipeline if I find a good one.
This may not be a perfect solution, but it got your model into Unity: I imported your model into Blender 2.45 ( http://www.blender.org/ ) then exported it as a .FBX file (I could have saved it as a .obj file again, but I like the new .FBX exporter better) and then imported into Unity. It imported fine, although there seem to be some issues with the model and its normals, but I’m not sure if that was in your original model or not.
Here’s the file exported from Blender:
55030–2001–$house_r18fbx_105.zip (74 KB)
Thanks, I will try that. You can see my working model at: www.frankemge.com/game/house.html
Something is wrong with the Booleans created by Strata. I will keep looking for a pipeline.