Hi everyone,
I got a dude wich is a navMeshAgent who’s patrolling between waypoints. He’s moving alright and can reach is waypoint. The problem come that i got a boolean that supposed to start at false and once he reach is destination I got a timer that start and once at zero the agent swicth waypoint.
The problem is that my freaking boolean always start true!!! it’s tied to the distance and i’ve made it public so i can monitor it and it’s really start at 25 and should return true only when it’s reach .2 or less.
Here’s my code :
public class Movement : MonoBehaviour
NavMeshAgent agent;
Transform target;
public Transform waypoint1;
public Transform waypoint2;
Animator animator;
public float speed;
public float distance;
public float timerMax = 500;
bool reachedDestination = false;
// Use this for initialization
void Start ()
agent = GetComponent<NavMeshAgent>();
animator = GetComponent<Animator>();
target = waypoint1.transform;
reachedDestination = false;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update ()
speed = agent.speed;
//Reaching destination
distance = agent.remainingDistance;
if(distance <= 0.2)
agent.speed = 0;
reachedDestination = true;
if(distance >= 0.2)
agent.speed = 1;
//Timer for next destination///////
if(timerMax <=0)
reachedDestination = false;
target = waypoint2.transform;
timerMax = 500;
I’m sure it’s a stupid thing but i don’t see my error anywere!