I have a GameManager script holding the bool variable bDisplayMenu. I want to toggle this boolean to control the menu display in the PlayerMovement script. It toggles on, drawing the menu when I press the assigned button, but never disappears. I would appreciate the help figuring this one out.
This is the relevant bit of GameManager:
public class GameManager : MonoBehaviour
public static bool bDisplayMenu;
void OnGUI()
if(bDisplayMenu == true)
Texture2D tSkin = Resources.Load("Polkdot") as Texture2D;
GUI.Box(new Rect(20, 20, 100, 380), "Blah");
GUI.Box(new Rect(40, 40, 60, 60), tSkin);
GUI.Box(new Rect(40, 120, 60, 60), tSkin);
GUI.Box(new Rect(40, 200, 60, 60), tSkin);
GUI.Box(new Rect(40, 280, 60, 60), tSkin);
Debug.Log ("Else");
And PlayerMovement:
public class PlayerMovement : MonoBehaviour
void Update()
Debug.Log (GameManager.bDisplayMenu);
GameManager.bDisplayMenu = !bDisplayMenu;
Debug.Log (GameManager.bDisplayMenu);
If it helps to note: I tried copy-pasting the OnGui text from GameManager to PlayerMovement (adjusting the variable reference) and when I do that it simply never fires.
Any help is appreciated, thanks!