Bootcamp Multiplayer Demo

A free Bootcamp Multiplayer Demo is available on the asset store.
It shows how to add multiplayer functionality to an existing project using Exit Games’ Photon technology.

Click here to download the project

To install create a new unity project and import the whole package.
Then follow the readme instructions.

The documentation is available here:

Please leave feedback/suggestions/requests below or in the Exit Games forum.

UPDATE 2011-06-07: Version 1.2 released - Fixed the broken fire animation sync.
UPDATE 2011-09-02: Version 1.2.2 released - Fixed compatibility to unity 3.4.



When you say soon - is that in the next couple of days - or weeks?

I’v just grabbed it from the store so it must be up their now.

However I get a big list of error when I import the package into an empty project ?

for example

“The importer for asset Assets/Scripts/glass/GlassMark.cs (MonoImporter) did not generate a MD4 digest.”

any info ??

Fantastic, I can’t wait to dissect this project. :slight_smile:

Looks great, but the only reason I would ever switch from Unity’s built-in networking to a solution like photon would be for increased security/to prevent cheating; what exactly was the reasoning behind making the project non-authoritative?

A good question. The demo shows how you can use photon out of the box without having to do any server changes - this approach seems to easier to start with for most developers. Once this architecture is in place it doesn’t take too many changes to make the server authoritative. You don’t have this option when relying on peer-to-peer.

I am getting an error on import saying the “ShaderFixor.exe has stopped working” … have pro version and it is fully updated. Dont know what this is all about but it messes up the entire thing and I cant use it :frowning:

ShaderFixor is part of unity and used along the shader compilation. when it crashes that for me so far normally meant that the security messed in.

I have registered iOS standard Unity… after upgrading today and trying to include the multiplayer demo I get the same result as Zergcow, “ShaderFixor.exe has stopped working”.

something got messed up… the download is somehow 30MB smaller than the upload.
I’m currently uploading again (version 1.1) - hope it works this time

EDIT: quick update - still not working, unity is looking into it

Thanks ExitBG for the update.

WOW cool !!!
Looks like something i will add to my city minus the armygear keep the guns and hang out
check out what i have so far.

Can’t download and looks like the server is down…

Not Found

The requested URL /content/exit-games/bootcamp-multiplayer-demo/1As was not found on this server.
Apache Server at Port 80

likely taken down temporally until the problem with the incorrect / broken package is fixed I would guess

Would prefer to see Photon code that makes use of an authoritative server.

yea that and some comments in the code or a tutorial would be nice. I have been trying to get Photon working for months now. I just cant seem to get it. If they would have had some more user friendly tutorails or something to get me going they would have had my money months ago because I will buy it once i figure out how to get it working. I am sure alot of us would, they really should look into getting more tutorials out there. Yea I know you got like a single tutorial on how to setup the server and a single tutorial on how to start your own project. I bet if you had a few tutorials on how to set things up in Unity you would sell like wildfire.

You have what we all want it is just that the learning curve is stupid compared to your competition who all have tutorials and documentation to lower the curve…

unfortunately it’s still not online - it’s been approved though.

That is a seriously awesome demo - taking bootcamp to a fantastic new level :slight_smile:

is rtt 180-190ms OK? :wink:

the server is hosted in st. louis, I get about 90ms rtt in oregon