Borderless window in standalone player

Is it possible to make the Unity windows standalone player run borderless? This would be similar to the OSX Dashboard Widget.

function Start ()
 if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsPlayer)
    Screen.fullScreen = false;

    print("Disable window border here");

Of course it’s easy. I do it by creating a shortcut or batch file that starts the exe, instead of running the exe file. For example, a batch file. This is just an example, so say our EXE name is RUN.EXE. You would open Notepad, type the following:

start RUN.EXE -popupwindow

Then File> Save as> and in the filename where it says .txt originally, just remove that and use an asterick and a bat extension (*.bat) Hit ENTER, then it will know you want to save as a bat file. Now just type in a name like Launcher.bat, don’t forget to remove the asterick but keep the .bat extension. Now you would run this Launcher file. The argument -popupwindow is what allows your Unity Standalone EXE to run without borders :smiley:

There is now a setting in Player Settings for the fullscreen mode. Set it to Fullscreen Window.

You can use external tools such as AutoHotKey to get rid of the window decorations/borders/title. Note however that Unity's rendering canvas will be scaled, not resized, so you will lose some Anti-Aliasing quality - unless you have AA disabled, in which case you will gain some antialiasing due to the interpolated scaling.

Take a look at this thread for detailed information:


I just uploaded a unity build-in plugin that lets you do exactly what you ask for (Removing window borders and gives you the ability to move and resize the window through code)


Using user32.dll