Bounce Balls within Borders

I’m trying to get a load of balls to bounce within a border I have created, and for them never to lose energy. Just for them to simply bounce around!

I instantiate the balls, and give them all a rigidbody.AddForce with a random direction and speed. But every time the balls hit the wall / border then don’t bounce off of it, they simply slide along it. And when the balls collide against one another, it seems like they’re losing energy.

This called ONCE when my balls are initiated:

var blindMovement_RandomDirection = Vector3( Random.Range(-1.0, 1.0), Random.Range(-1.0, 1.0), 0 );
var blindMovement_RandomSpeed = Random.Range(50, 150);

rigidbody.AddForce(blindMovement_RandomDirection / blindMovement_RandomSpeed);

All the colliders have a self made physics material:


With a rigidbody of:


What am I doing wrong? When the balls hit the wall - its as if the force is still being applied with the direction given, even though its only been called once …?

in Fixed Update add force in specific direction:
rigidbody.velocity = dir * 20;

and onCollisionEnter(collision col)
you can change direction using reflection vector
Vector3 normal = col.transform.right;
dir = Vector3.Reflect(dir, normal);

then ball will always move around. keep walls all 4 sides.

Turns out I need to change my Bounce Threshold to 0 within the Physics Manager (Edit > Project Settings > Physics).