Bounce of more than 1?

Heya all –

I’d like to have a Physic material that propels collision objects, like a super jump pad. Is there a way of setting the “Bounce” of a Physic material to be greater than 1? Or should I go about this in code?

Thanks for any help –


You can not do this with a physic material.

I would probably do this with code

I’m not yet fully fluent with Unity, but I believe you can, upon colliding, simply increase the force, which will then give the effect you are looking for.

if your objects have rigidbodies you could do something like this:

var force : int;

function OnTriggerEnter (hit : Collider) {
	if (hit.rigidbody) {
		hit.rigidbody.velocity = transform.TransformDirection(Vector3 (0, force, 0));
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Why isn’t this a thing? I wouldn’t think it would be too hard to implement. Maybe it increases the overall velocity of objects in a scene in a continuous loop, creating havoc? As it is, though, the average velocity of all items in a scene diminishes fairly quickly with time, even with a bounciness of 1 on all objects. Where does the energy go?

anmalz, most game physics engines are not concerned with conservation of energy or momentum - they just want to extract overlapping objects quickly and accurately. It’s often considered a good thing for most games if objects don’t bounce off each other much - because in real life, most objects are not very bouncy.