I’m trying to simply make an object bounce and it’s not working.
I have a simple cylinder (my “ball”) and large cube (the "ground).
Ball has…
Rigidbody with Mass of 1, and Angular Drag of 2 and uses Gravity.
Custom Physics Material with Dynamic and Static Friction of 0 and Bounciness of 1 (I’ve also tried the default “Bouncy” material).
Ground has…
Rigidbody with Mass of 1 and All Constraints Frozen so it doesn’t move.
Custom Physics Material with Both frictions at .4 (though I’ve tried 0 also) and Bounciness of 1. I’ve also tried it without a Physics Material.
My little script launches the Cylinder Angry Birds style and when it hits the cube it doesn’t bounce at all. It just rolls to a stop. I need it to bounce. Am I doing something wrong or missing something?