I need help Seems I have tried every slider on the Inspector I can, both for rigidBody and Physic Material. So heres the problem…
Let’s say Im creating Billiards. I have created both sides and balls with ZERO friction and maximum bounce (for testing purposes). When I hit the cue against the others, everything appears to work fine UNTIL the speed of any ball gets down to slow and that ball hits an edge. when it hits the edge, instead of slightly bouncing off the wall to finish its movement, it sticks to the wall as if its got heavy friction. Why? With an engine that seems so good in all other aspects, why this quirky weird flaw?
So Im hoping its user flaw and not engine flaw. Does anyone know what Im missing or what I can do to solve this? Or am I forced to create my own physics billiards engine (which I couldnt do ) .
Thanks for the help,