Bounds Vector3 is ok with Burst?

I run some test job and appears that burst work well with Vector3.

In particular I mean bounds

public struct Bounds : IEquatable<Bounds>
        // Summary:
        //     Creates a new Bounds.
        // Parameters:
        //   center:
        //     The location of the origin of the Bounds.
        //   size:
        //     The dimensions of the Bounds.
        public Bounds ( Vector3 center, Vector3 size );

I thought burst will not like Vector3. But apparently they are fine together.
What I am missing, or misunderstanding?

Why would it not like vector3? It’s just a struct. There’s nothing magic about it.

It’s unlikely to turn Vector3 into SIMD friendly code, for that you want float3/4, so it would be slower I think.

I was always convinced, to use float n rather than Vector n. Which is still good habit.
But I did expect some major disadvantages of Vector (s) in such case.

So this could be only possible downside?