Box Collider 2d don't collide

I’m simply putting a sprite with Box Collider 2D and Rigidbody2D on ground with box collider 2d, the sprite transpass the object, I dont know if this is a bug of my unity because this is a really idiot and noob question.

The only warn that appear is “The Collider did not create any collision shapes as they all failed verification.This could be because they were deemed too small or the vertices were too close. Vertices can also become close under certain rotations or very small scaling”

I scaled so much times bigger and smaller, checked everything, why this dont work ?

When I start the scene with crate (see my another post below) as isKinematic and click play, if I desactive isKinematic the collision works ! If I start the scene with isKinematic disabled it transpass the object

Typically, when you place a BoxCollider on a sprite, it expands the box to fit the sprite. The question here is why it isn’t doing that. Is your sprite transparent?

In any case, you can set the collider bounds manually in the inspector.

I’ve uploaded a working example, use it to compare what’s going wrong.

My sprite is not transparent, I can see the collider, but it transpass object
EDIT:[WHAT THE HELL ???] When I start the scene with crate as isKinematic and click play, if I desactive isKinematic the collision works ! If I start the scene with isKinematic disabled it transpass the object
Check what I done
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