When my player go very fast into wall, he slightly go in it. Then he go back fast, because wall act on the player with some force so he can finally stand beside the wall. This is offcourse on few pixels scale. I am wandering if there is a way to make player (in “Physics” order Unity - Manual: Order of execution for event functions) to “teleport” in place when he is not in the wall. So I can in “Game logic” order go with… logic. Directly i have problem when i jump into the wall and still hold for example left arrow, then player is stick to the wall. I have solution for that but it is not so elegant as i would like ;p Sorry for bad english…
You can’t find a solution with ExecutionOrder. that beaheviour occurs because physics doesn’t update each frame like Update method. So, the primey solution that I can recommend you is change type of collision in rigidbody of the object which move too fast, and put continuos in collision detection.