Box Collider player does not collide with Mesh Collider object,Box collider on Capsule does not collide with a ProBuilder Stair Mesh Collider

Hello. I am fairly new to Unity and C#, and i am working on sort of a Fall Guys clone, Bean Guys, It is still VERY HEAVILY a tech demo.

I cannot get a Capsule player with a Box Collider (non-trigger) to collide with A ProBuilder Stair object with a mesh collider. It should be an obstacle where the Capsule can climb the object, and should not pass through it.

However, it does not collide with the Capsule and i cannot climb on it.

Any ideas?

Collisions in Unity are specific. To collide, both GameObjects must have a Collider object and at least one must have a RigidBody component. Here is a helpful chart of the interactions between different configurations, such as kinematic vs non-kinematic: Unity Docs