My BoxCollider2D says that it is too small after I updated from the latest Unity 5.5(and before) to Unity 5.6.
You may say to simply make my colliders bigger, but the collison system in my game is so complex that this task really isn’t possible and it changes the already set gameplay.
You may say to downgrade Unity but I don’t want and can’t do that either.
Is there a way I can override this and have the collision size work again? I must override this prevention.
Thank you in advance.
I do not understand this, the minimal box size requirements have not changed in 5.6. Those minimum requirements come from Box2D and not Unity. Box2D has a minimum separation of vertex for any polygon and that separation is very, very small.
The only thing I can think of is that some to do with the Transform rotation/scale has changed. If the Transform rotation/scale hasn’t changed for that GameObject or its parents then please submit a bug report.
Check that you do not have rotation on the X/Y axis that is effectively folding the box into a line or that the scale isn’t crazy small.
Can you say what the size of the box is that you’re trying to set-up? You need to take into account the rotation/scale and box size.