boxcast not working?

i’m trying to add collision to my character in 3D, and for some reason my boxcast is not returning true even though I have the ground layer set to “ground”, and whatisGround is set to the proper ground layer mask.

Here’s my script

public class PlayerMovement : MonoBehaviour {

    public Collider m_Collider;
    public RaycastHit m_Hit;

    public void Awake ( ) {
        m_Collider = GetComponent <Collider> ( );

    public bool IsGrounded ( ) {

        // Fetch the center of the Collider volume
        m_Center =;

        // Fetch the size of the Collider volume
        m_Size = m_Collider.bounds.size;

        m_SizeY = ( ( m_Size.y / 2.0f ) + 0.01f );

        m_Min = m_Collider.bounds.min;
        m_Max = m_Collider.bounds.max;

        var colliderExtentsY = m_Collider.bounds.extents.y;
        var rayPosition = ( m_Center );
        var rayDirection = ( -transform.up * m_SizeY );

        isGrounded = Physics.BoxCast ( 
            rayPosition, m_Size, 
            rayDirection, out m_Hit, 
            transform.rotation, m_MaxDistance, 

        return isGrounded;


    public void Update ( ) {

        Debug.Log ( 
            $"IsGrounded ( ) : { IsGrounded ( ) }"



Any help is absolutely appreciated!

You probably want to use OverlapBox, not BoxCast. If BoxCast (or any of the casts) are already overlapping a collider it won’t count as ‘hitting’ it.

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It’s not overlapping any collider. it’s overlapping a layer mask ( ground ).

That doesn’t make sense as a reply TBH. You don’t overlap a layer-mask. A layer-mask is an argument specifying what you want to detect you overlap with.

The above suggestion was to use the OverlapBox test which gives you a yes/no answer rather than the cast which as also mentioned, won’t detect things it starts overlapped with.

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I don’t see any problem with using Boxcast. I will try Overlap, but right now I just want to know how to properly use Boxcast in my example.

I’m teaching myself casting collision methods though. So I would like to know how to fix what I already have.

You’ve been told plenty. If your box cast starts already overlapping with the ground, it won’t detect a hit with the ground.

It goes without saying that the ground needs to have a collider on it too.


Well, this was said…

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