I have the below code to do a box cast.
In words,
My box cast starts right outside the player’s capsule collider.
The box is the same size as the capsule
The cast is done 2-3 units to the right and left of the player
Below is the code
bool CheckObstruction(Vector2 p_direction, float p_distance, LayerMask p_layer, bool p_offsetCenter = false)
Vector2 center = capsuleCollider.bounds.center;
if (p_offsetCenter)
//Sometimes the box cast should start from elsewhere
if (p_direction == Vector2.left || p_direction == Vector2.right)
//Offset to right of left, so the cast starts from right/left border of the capsule
center = center + (p_direction * capsuleCollider.bounds.size.x);
if (p_direction == Vector2.up || p_direction == Vector2.down)
//Offset to right of left, so the cast starts from right/left border of the capsule
center = center + (p_direction * capsuleCollider.bounds.size.y);
string direction = "";
if (p_direction == Vector2.right)
direction = "Right";
Debug.DrawLine(center, (center + Vector2.right * capsuleCollider.bounds.size.x/2), Color.red);
Debug.DrawLine(center, (center + Vector2.left * capsuleCollider.bounds.size.x/2), Color.red);
Debug.DrawLine(center+Vector2.up, center+Vector2.down, Color.red);
if (p_direction == Vector2.left)
direction = "Left";
Debug.DrawLine(center, (center + Vector2.right * capsuleCollider.bounds.size.x/2), Color.green);
Debug.DrawLine(center, (center + Vector2.left * capsuleCollider.bounds.size.x/2), Color.green);
Debug.DrawLine(center + Vector2.up, center + Vector2.down, Color.green);
RaycastHit2D hit = Physics2D.BoxCast(center,
0.0f, //Rotation of the box
p_distance, //Yo-yo to a certain distance in the given direction
if (hit)
if (p_offsetCenter)
print("Hit:" + hit.collider.gameObject + " to the " + direction);
return true;
if (p_offsetCenter)
print("No obstruction" + " to the " + direction);
return false;
But as can be seen from screenshot below, though there is wall to the right side, it is not getting detected by the BOXCAST2D. If I move the player slightly above, it is detected rightaway. The red-cross shows the starting point of the box cast.
The tiles are in a layer called LEVEL, and I am passing the exact same in the call to the method.