BoxCollider2D won't collide against EdgeCollider2D (Fixed)

Hi there!

I have spent half day trying to figure out what is happening on my own but I finally surrended and came to the forums for some more experienced advice.

Mainly I have a level which walls are EdgeColliders2D with the player and the enemies colliding to them through their own CircleCollider2D, so far so good (despite the collision fails few times but this is another topic which already have been adressed for the next patch).

But today I was adding props to the game which sprite’s shape are like a box so I obviousely went for the BoxCollider2D so imagine my surprise when this were not colliding to the EdgeColliders2D of the walls :frowning:

I attached a script and checked that the OnCollisionEnter2D is actually happening and I can assure that the layers interaction in the “Project Settings → Physics 2D” are properly flagged… actually the VERY SAME scenario with a CicleCollider2D for the prop works perfectly. That is fine for circle shaped props like barrels but my crates will collide awfully :stuck_out_tongue:

I also tried to adjust the corresponding RigidBody2D to “interpolate” and “continous” collision detection with no difference. Anyone has a slight idea of what might be happening here? everything is welcome.

Thanks in advance.

For anyone searching for this issue or similar, the patch 5.0.0p3 has fixed it for me.