I’ve followed the quick start pdf (https://doc.photonengine.com/docs/content/photon-fusion-br200-multiplay-integration-documentation-by-unity.pdf ) to setup Multiplay and matchmaking for the game, but when I try to test and hit quickplay, I get the following errors (Game Not Found). Any idea what might be the problem? The fleet, and MM queues are working based on the dashboard (edited).
It looks like you’ve not set up the launch parameters of your Build Configuration correctly. You should change the Build Configuration Launch Parameters to be:
-nographics -dedicatedServer -batchmode -fps 60 -battleRoyale
-logFile $log_dir$/Engine.log -dataPath $log_dir$ -port
$port$ -region eu -serverName "MP #$serverid$" -multiplay
-backfill -sqp -matchmaking -maxPlayers 200
And then try again
It was the issue indeed, thanks for the detailed answer! the docs mentioned it too I see now
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