Branch filter on Intergrations does not seem to work

I have set up integration with Discord in Cloud → DevOps → Unity Version Control → Settings → Integrations → Discord Integrations.

I have checked only that it should fire after check-in and only for the main branch

But every time that someone performs a check-in to any child branch we get notified about this.

Shouldn’t the filter main ensure that it would only fire when something is checked into main?

I know this is confusing. This feature is internally based on the Plastic SCM triggers and they work that way. I’m escalating your feedback to check if it can be improved so you can filter by specific branch name.

A bit hacker workaround for now is using the following string if you want to filter the “/main” branch:

CH "/" DIR#br:/main;

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The “hack” seems to work. Thank you :slight_smile: