Brandy VS Zombies

couple in unity development screens while the game is running…

Week 2 :

Complete Rebuild of the engine has taken place over the last two days, while trying to accomdate the requests some of the users put in. Controls have been completely reworked. Level Design has been compeltely reworked. Many more mechanics are in place.

New build should be ready for next week.

Change Log :


Here’s to another lap around the sun!

Good game, although, needs a LOT more light. Add light everywhere. Because I waited an hour before I saw another zombie. And, remove the animation when you shoot. It messes up your aim badly. :wink: Other then those 2 things, its cool!

lol , thanks , and its supposed to be that dark , if you climb the platforms , and press the buttons , it gets lighter

4 buttons,

as for the aiming , well its animation event driven , so yea its hard to aim.

This was just mostly a play thing for yesterday afternoon with my kid. I might actually dive into it a little more and make something out of it.

PS : just working in attacks, damage sequnces today , will post new player tonight.


That is quite good. I really like it.

Me too, just fix the movement. It’s so annoying.

lol, it is something isnt it (refering to the movement. Well , as i said , no miracle worker here , just an afternoon thing. Im sure it will cleaned up, as i have been working more on it today. Tonight i will post an updated build.

I agree with coin god, Its great other than the controls.

lol, k well i was going to just abondon this after a single days work , but now, with the feedback i may well continue on with it. As for the controls, any advice, feedback as to what you liked / disliked, and i will see what i can do about working it in .

Ok, well here is day twos progress. (I was prettty busy all day with other matters of importance, so only little things got done today). I was really hopin to have a little more accomplished today , but guess theres tommorow still to come. Anyways, heres the change log, and i will post again tommorow on this topic (i will also be posting change logs in OP as well as updated player each time).

Day 2 : Change Log :

  • added radial light source when character is casting.
  • added zombie sound effects
  • added ability for zombie to detect / attack / damage player
  • added health to player
  • added Zombie death animations
  • added new spell of light to player

I would just go with standard cam-orbit and wasd move.

Looks awesome man, looking forward to the next update. It’s great to see how much you’ve accomplished in such a short time.

Thanks again for tips / advice and feedback guys. And without adue, here it is, day 3’s Change Log…

Day 3 Change Log :

  • removed camera sway to simplify movement / targeting methods.
  • adjusted player jump mechanics
  • replaced unity primitives with custom models.
  • added sound effects to spell casts.
  • Added sound effects to Pillar Buttons.
  • Added audio sound track
  • added torches for slight light increase.
  • added FX to Light Spell
  • Added player respawn on death.
  • added player death animations.
  • fixed lots of minor bugs introduced from spawning mechanics.

Known Bugs :

  • Zombie Counter not always incrementing correctly on kill, but auto adjusts updates self on next kill. Works correctly behind the scenes, not being displayed corectly.

  • Rumor has it, that sometimes a single lone invisilbe zombie can be “found” in level.

  • Running forward while stand still jumping can cause character movement to maintain momentum, even when discontinuing Input.

Just wanted to say that I love this myself :smiley:

Nice mate.

Thanks hey … and posts like this will keep me going forward on this project. Im really not sure where this project is headed to be quite honest. As i stated back in the beginning, this started as a single afternoon toy for me and my kid. But with each day we both get more excited to see more.

So that said, it is to you, the community, that i ask, what can i do to add some stuff you might like to see. Im not to great still learning , so i may or may not be able to implement everything people would ask for, but i will sure try. It will help me learn. And on that note, im off, but look for a new version tommorow some time.

Well, a little later in the day than usual, but here it is. New update. The web player is actually still currently loading , so a few minutes will be in order before its actually up.

Day 4 Change Log :

  • Fixed Invisible Zombie issue
  • Removed Zombie Counter
  • Added in Story line framework
  • Added in Quest/s
  • Added NPC’s.
  • Added additional custom assets / environment


  • zombies attempt to arc rotate up impossible walls.


You will most definately know when you have reached the end of the playable content so far!

Just a quick word mentioning that todays update will be arriving a little later in the day than normal, but it should be a decent update. Hopefully there wont be any hold ups.


Aight here it is, have to cut it a little short today unfortunately again :(. But there is something new in it.

Day 5 Change Log :

  • Added additional story line content
  • added transitions to setup for next content
  • added a small amount of afx
  • added a small amount of gfx
  • added more custom assets / models


  • zombies attempt to arc rotate up impossible walls.
  • zombie spawns in the air and lands on the hallway floor


You will most definately know when you have reached the end of the playable content so far!

Wish my webplayer wasn’t messing up, the last build is awesome! Looking forward to seeing the new updates.