Broken prefabs (I can't drag them into my scene)

Unity crashed, and now I can’t use the prefabs I used in my scene.

How can I fix this?

hey friends! the simplest solution for that is (Right click on the prefab and then hit Reimport)

If unity crashes before you were able to save but after you made the prefab, you will have to remake the prefab. If you did not cleanly close unity after the crash (manually closing the program) you still have a chance. Search for the file “__EditModeScene”. It is in your project folder under “Temp”. Renaming this to __EditModeScene.unity and opening it will (hopefully) restore your scene to the pre-crash state. I am unsure if this will restore prefabs

1 open *.Prefab in Text Editor (need modify unity editor setting)

2 change text “m_SourcePrefab” to “m_ParentPrefab”

3 change text “m_IsPrefabAsset” to “m_IsPrefabParent”
it ok, try.
if your unity other version, can you create empty GameObject then compare difference.