Greetings! Last night, Windows decided to update on my computer and it did it unsuccessfully by flying into the blue screen of death with the error MEMORY_MANAGMENT. In this regard, my project, on which I painstakingly worked for a year, was completely destroyed. I can’t go into the Sample Scene.unity scene, which has all the necessary game mechanics configured, and there are 2-3 days left before the release of the game, and I really need help with restoring the SampleScene.unity file
When opening this file, Unity outputs the following lines in error.log:/
After crawling around the Internet, I came across an article by a man who talks about the structure of the scene file in Unity YAML and as I understood from his message, I need to remove the links with these identifiers so that I can somehow roll back a little and get back what fucked up, however, I need help to understand the structure of YAML and in particular with what identifiers do I need to delete so that I can open the scene file of my work.