Broken Tutorial?

Hey guys!

It seems every time try to do the “Survival Shooter” Tutorial on Unity’s Learn site, the assets always seem to import corrupt with outdated index and some other things i think. i cannot get rid of the warnings in the notification bar, and also everytime i try to do the movement scripting part it never saves my script, only reverts back to original and never saves properly so it never updates it.

im tying to learn how to use Unity, so if anyone has found a fix to this, or if Unity could look into it, all would be appreciated!


A lot of the tutorial needs a complete overhaul. I lost track of what was going on a few times because the code and IDE are outdated on the videos. I found it best to follow their tutorial on YouTube so I could read other people’s comments, and from time to time, see the author of the video make a post in the comments explaining a work around. My advice would be to just follow them on YouTube.


Hey guys,

Sorry to hear that you’re having trouble.
@Zoneo , could you let me know exactly what’s going wrong? As much detail as humanly possible is helpful. If you think you’re going into too much detail, you aren’t. In the details, among other things, please let me know:

  • Which version of Unity you are using.
  • What the warnings you get are (all of them).
  • What tells you the assets are being imported corrupted.
  • What IDE you are using for scripting.
  • When you return to the editor after saving your movement script do you see a spinning icon in the bottom right corner (this is Unity compiling and changes don’t save until this is finished)? There is a bug at the moment when compilation only completes if you return to the editor, focus another program then return to the editor again.

You may also want to consider a bug report. This is the fastest way for our developers to fix problems with the editor. To file a bug report go to Help > Report a Bug…

I hope this helps. Please let me know some more details and I will do my best to help you out.



I am also having problems with Survival Shooter tutorial, but it isn’t as described above.
when I run the game ( at stage 3 of the tutorial ) everything works fine, the camera follows the player as it’s supposed to, but there seem to be a problem with the clipping plane( I think that’s what it is ?)
I have messed around with the variable values and the maths signs( + / - ) but the result stays the same.

In the scene panel, when the tutorial is running, the camera moves in closer to the player, it’s position is not stable, when the game is stopped the camera jumps back to it’s starting position ( 1, 15, -22) here are before and after screen shots

I am using 5.01

@jizer0 Very difficult to tell without going through your project what’s going wrong here. But if I had to guess, when you wrote out the CameraFollow script, in FixedUpdate you used:

Vector3 targetCamPos = target.position;

instead of

Vector3 targetCamPos = target.position + offset;

That’s purely a guess though. If this isn’t the case, please provide more information.


Yes, It’s ok, in essence your right I did make an error in typing out the script,
Instead of void Start() I typed void start() lower case ‘s’ it works fine now.

Thank you for you time and very quick response.


@JamesB unfortunately i gave up on that project a long time ago and have since forgotten where i was and what problems i was having. however, i can still tell you that it seems most of the tutorials are using older versions of Unity (im usiung 5.0.1 i think) and also none of them are done on a windows computer… most of the time that isnt a problem, but occasionally im forced to find other ways to do something imply because the process/commands are different than on a mac.

@Zoneo I’m sorry that some of the tutorials are on older versions or on a mac. Whenever there is something that would be different on PC or Mac we do try and mention the different commands for the other system, sorry if some fall through the cracks. Also, we try to make our tutorials future-proof when we can. The survival shooter, for example, was first made in 4.x where Monobehaviours had references to lots of components but we wrote the scripts so that they would work with 5.x where the references have been removed to make Monobehaviours faster. Unfortunately this is very difficult since there are so many systems in Unity and keeping track of any changes in all of them is impossible. For the most popular tutorials, such as roll-a-ball, we are looking to redo them in more recent versions of Unity. However we need to be careful what we spend our time on. Do we want to redo old tutorials so they work perfectly in newer versions? Do we want to do tutorials on new systems such as the new lighting system or the new standard shader? Should we do tutorials on more general practices in game development?

I think the answer to all of these is probably yes, but we need to decide carefully in which order we do them.

I’m sorry I don’t have a solution for your problems but hopefully this helps explain what’s going on.

@JamesB i completely understand and for the most part you guys do a very good job at keeping windows commands included. When you say you guys “Future proof” the scripts, im not entirely sure its working… the wording of the scripting seems to be fine, but it seems almost every time i download an assets package from the tutorial (survival shooter, for example) after it imports it says that unityhas updated and some things in the assets may be out of date and then asks if i made a back up and if i would like to update the assets. i click yes, and almost always it comes back and says there is an error with the assets and then they dont work… i have tried redoing it multiple times to come to the same conclusion… is this what you meant? or is this an unrelated issue im having?

You guys are doing great, overall. i’m just new to this whole scene.

I’m having this problem a lot. I’m wondering if I should just go back to 4.6, because so many of the tutorials are out of date with 5.0.

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Hey guys, it very much depends on the errors that you are having but it sounds like an error with Unity’s updater. Are the assets that you are getting errors from scripts or something else? Please let me know the specifics of the errors so I can look into this.