Brothers in Arms iPhone game

I just saw this and thought it looked pretty impressive. It should be a nice inspiration for some of you Unity iPhone developers.

Honestly it’s exactly that type of game i would never want to play.

I’m not a fan of the over-used WWII FPS genre, either (or 3rd-person, in this case). However I was intrigued simply because it wasn’t another racing game or Bejeweled clone.

Heh yikes, it is very well done indeed…

…but I personally think this should not be done. It looks very frustrating to play. In the video you can clearly see the player having a lot trouble with the controls. It’s very nasty if a game limits what you want to do soly because of the controls.

I even do not like FPSes on xbox playstation very much. The Wii on the other hand is different, the Wii controlls are almost as good as mouse&keyboard, it’s just too bad the power of the Wii isn’t that good.

Thanks for sharing, it is interesting to see for sure!

The iPhone started with some fresh and weird games/apps and i hope due to the controls and the business model it continues and evolves instead of beeing overrolled by the usual conversion/fps/eye candy waves.

I own it and I’ve to say it works pretty nicely.
It has some cases where it seriously slow downs if you go for “rampage” instead of strat but otherwise it shows how far you can get (thought X-Plane has shown that already, if not even better)

But I also would say that it is highly unlikely that this level is reached with Unity because the overhead of Unity for “working in all cases” will cost the percents needed to get the most out of it for a specific case as with any technology.

I picked it up on account of this thread. I’m very impressed by the title and really want to double my efforts next app out. I definitely recommend playing it on a 2nd generation iTouch as it’s much faster. The extra few FPS really add up to a smoother experience visually and in terms of tactile feedback.