BRP Stereo Instancing?

Hi, I have a shader graph using the Built-In Render Pipeline that works fine in the scene view, but in VR, the left eye draws the mesh correctly and the right eye draws the mesh in the wrong place.

As a result, the shader graph is unfortunately unusable.

I have done some googling and concluded that Shader Graph BRP does not support stereo instancing. Is this a bug? Could it be fixed?

As a note, I had the “same” shader graph working fine in HDRP, where Shader Graph does support stereo instancing.


Decided to learn HLSL and have re-written my shaders.

They made this tool ASAP to copy the Unreal material node editor…
Even the basic standard shader to this day has no built-in vertex color support, which is another joke (not available in PBR standard material - I’m not talking about mobile shader, + you can’t control the environment fresnel either…)
That’s why we used shader graph to compensate for this weakness… but it’s a trap!