See Question #2 below the ---------------------------. Solved question #1 with a trick.
I wanted to inquire about Meshes , and more importantly - the textures applied to a material in Mesh Renderer via mesh filter on a Terrain gameObject.
I used Object2Terrain(on a .3ds), which has allowed me to take my exported Bryce terrain and import it into Unity as a Terrain.
That part works great, however , despite the fact that this new terrain generated by this script has made available the shader in Mesh Renderer, I am unable to get it to apply the material textures to this terrain.
I read somewhere, in my countless hours of research on this, that you have to export a bitmap from bryce in a top-down view, and apply that image as a material to the terrain. Well that doesn’t work, because the terrain stays completely blank.
Is it apparently not possible to, say (an example that provides same scenario as Object2Terrain script):
1.) Terrain->Create Terrain.
2.) Component->Mesh Filter
3.) Drag Mesh onto Terrain filter component
4.) Component->Mesh Renderer
and most specifically: 5.) Use the mesh renderer to apply textures( generated material from .3ds) in a shader to the terrain surface?
It stays completely white as a pure mesh.
The ONLY way that I could figure to get these textures into a material and onto said mesh surface with the power of a Shader, was to:
1.) GameObject->Create Empty
2.) #2 from above, #3 from above, #4 from above #5 from above. With the addition of a physics terrain collider.
That is, it’s not a Terrain component that I can modify with the powerful Unity tools. It’s a model with a physics body applied to it.
Is there no way to import ALL(+textures) terrain data into Unity, as a TERRAIN object?
Even if I export a heightmap, say, from Terragen or otherwise, I am still stuck in same predicament.
Am I doing something wrong?
Is there an alternative to this? Such as writing perhaps some sort of Editor script to modify the behavior of the Terrain tools?
Question #2: Quality of the latter example above, a mesh filtered gameobject w/ shader.
I’ve found that no matter which version of Shader I use for the 3 textures I have exported from Bryce(which are as follows), I cannot get it to appear as “fluid” as Bryce renders it. It’s as if the textures are Waaaay zoomed in, and heavily pixelated. Zero anti-aliasing.
_Ambicol.psd/bmp (ambient color map)
_Reflamt.psd/bmp (Reflection map)
_Specamt.psd/bmp (Specular map)
The closest shader I could locate to match Bryce is the: Legacy Shaders->Light Mapped-> Specular.
I assume that is the correct choice given the maps bryce produces on export (bryce does not specify what shader is being used). However, as mentioned, the quality is highly inadequate.
I have done alot of research and have found very little on importing mesh terrain data into unity, more importantly, applying textured materials to said mesh.
Take a look at the attached images. The first is the result of applying exported textures in Unity’s Mesh Renderer w/ supplied 3ds material. The other is the high quality of bryce, exported to a 3ds w/ color spectral maps.
Any help or pointers would be more than greatly appreciated.
Looks like same problem; with a “trick” to get foliage into the scene. Looks like a winner for question #1 above.
Question #2, regarding quality, still remains though.