BSD - Button Sequence Detector (Combos)

BSD - Button Sequence Detector (Combos)

Create Sequences of buttons for your action or fighting games in a very easy, flexible and efficient way. You can access sequence detection with only one line of code. It can be learned in a few minutes. It does not take away the developer’s freedom and does not force him to adapt to a million rules. It does not leave the scripts of your game dependent. The proposal is to be simple to use and friendly to the programmer and game designer. It was developed based on the input requirements of the Street Fighter Series.


  • Button Sequence Detector
  • Infinite Sequences that are accessed by name
  • Infinite sequence steps with timings and conditions
  • Flexible input and sequence editor (Designer-Friendly)
  • Button Events (Down, Up, Hold, Released)
  • Axis Criteria (Ex: Vertical is greater than 0.2)
  • Operators Between Button Steps*(simultaneous or alternative buttons)*
  • Delay Tolerance (That allows for a margin of error, leaving the gameplay more fluid)
  • Anticipation Tolerance (Allows slight changes in the order in which the buttons are pressed, guarantees more fluidity, because humans fail)
  • Uses the Standard Axes of Unity (which avoids adaptations that evade the unity pattern)
  • The sequence execution is accessed with a line, a single function (no complications)
  • Debug the sequences being performed
  • Supports automatic reversal of axis direction based on character direction
  • Supports up to 12 players
  • Virtual Joystick that interferes with the Standart Axes of Unity (which means your game that uses the default input will automatically be implemented for mobile)
  • Designed with performance in mind
  • Playmaker support
  • Corgi Virtual Joystick support

[WebGL Demonstration

](Button Sequence Detector - Demo by LeoLuz)

I accept suggestions. Thank you.

Get it on Asset Store


The first commenters will get this asset for free.

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Hello. That is exactly what I have been searching for. This is amazing.


Dudeee this is awesome, perfect for my game!

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Can sequences be derived from more then 1 input device?

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there are still 5 free units left

This sounds really cool! Would love to try it out. Is it easy to set up with Rewired?

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Edited my post above, auto correct had messed it up. Just to clarify, is it possible to use two seperate devices in one sequence.
Eg a combination of keyboard and joystick to create a specific sequence.

Ps thank you for the voucher will be happy to test it out and give honest feedback.

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I was thinking the same thing about Rewired integration.

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Nice kit.
About Rewired integration. That is a good question.

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I did not test with the rewired but it might work because it interferes with the standard axes. I’ll send the vouchers to you inbox.

Does purchasing the asset give me the source code? I’d be interested in seeing the scripts of this to see if i can implement it into my existing framework at all. Might help me get diagonals into that framework.

Hi, seems very interesting. Is there any copy left for free? I see it works with corgie engine and playmaker. Playmaker will have 1.9 version soon out of beta. Does it support also?

Looks very useful.

I purchased the asset and all the source code is given. Thank you. I’ve been able to start working on implementing it into my existing framework. I really enjoy this asset. It’s simple to use and understand.

It would be nice to have more input add-ons supported out of the box instead of just the default Unity one. My preference is Rewired. You can talk to any of the content creators for help on that matter as they have helped me out in the past.

For the sake of my purposes, I was able to get it set up in the way my system is creating player characters (instantiation). So I had to make some modifications to your add-on so that it could handle instantiation instead of being static.

I also wanted to let you know that I get a huge performance hit when expanding any of the “sequences” including the config window. When minimized it has no hitch.

Feel free to reach out to me if you’d be interested in seeing my modifications to fit with my existing framework, primarily changing it from being static to non-static.

Bamncan, How cool, I’m glad you’re being helpful. I made it static so that it was ridiculously simple to use. I have not had problems with instance because once you specify the player’s number there is no interference. It can control 12 characters simultaneously, each with its dedicated inputs.

Hey how can i get this? this loos amazing

It’s on the asset store here:

Awesome! I’m getting it now.
Want to see if it works with a control rebinder like InControl.