We’ve just released our first game in global store so I’m very pleasure to introduce this to all of you. Our game named “Bucha’s Adventures” is a new type platform game that combines old school game play with modern playability platformers, the clown “Bucha” only use balls to move or fight. Curious about it? So, try it on the fun!
-iOS: Bucha's Adventures on the App Store
-Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.teamhoppi.bucha
We developed 24 balanced and also challenged stages with 3 bosses. And of course, this game is totally free because we teamed up for creating Happiness with our Hobbies. Yeah, our team named Hoppi is combined of these words.
We also know that our animations, game designs, effects is not really in pro’s eyes but we’ve tried our best to make this game. Do you believed that we 4 people spend about 8 months to create this game just because we are people working in different countries.
There’re may some people play this will imagine that one looks like some old Nintedo games(mario, circus…) for example. But as a developer of this game, I confirmed that this is totally different. By the way, we’ve released our game and we want it to become better. So why do you guys please play and give us some ideas to make it better.
Anyway, thanks for reading this post
And here is our supporting fan page: Redirecting... or landing sites: http://teamhoppi.com/