Budget values... are these recommendations accurate?!

Something doesn’t seem to add up here.

I have two campaigns. One for iOS and one for Android.
I have chosen 6 countries to target for my campaigns (out of maybe hundreds available?)

For Android, Unity recommends a DAILY budget of $500 PER COUNTRY. That would be $3000 a DAY to cover all six countries. Despite that, it also recommends a total budget of at least $2000. This doesn’t make sense. For one, the numbers obviously don’t add up. Second, $3000 minimum budget per day??? That’s like $90,000 per month. Is this a typo?

For iOS, it recommends only $50 per day instead of $500. That’s a 10X difference in recommendation, and from what I understand of iOS vs Android, is backwards. I heard that advertising on iOS is more expensive.
Plus, the text on the left recommends a daily LIMIT of $50. A LIMIT is opposite of MINIMUM, so what is is?

Finally, why is the wording different at all for the two types of campaigns? Shouldn’t this part be the same for both platforms other than maybe the numbers being recommended?

Hi, the recommended number in the budget settings description is correct and for common usage based on the system algorithm.

The difference between the daily budget $500 and $50 is mainly due to the billing type: Android uses CPI billing type while iOS uses CPM billing Type.

Please feel free to further adjust the budget based on the below recommendations:

  • Unity recommends a daily budget of $50 per country per creative pack.
  • The campaign budget should be at least five times the daily budget to ensure that there is enough scale for optimum campaign performance.
  • If you have a low daily cap, this might result in overspend during the first few days, as the system might not be able to accurately predict the performance of your campaign.

More details can be checked here:

Thanks for the reply. Are you confirming what Iwas speculating on above that $500 per country per day will result in spending over $90,000 per month? Because I definitely don’t have that kind of budget.

Also, every documentation link to the “acquire dashboard” is a bad link. The docs need to be updated to reflect the current Unity Gaming Services dashboard.

Sounds about right for a decent high impact wide reaching campaign - marketing costs a lot :slight_smile:

Its important to note it may not actually use the entire daily budget, its not a guaranteed spend.

Agreed, it sounds about right for that kind of campaign, but what if an indie just wants to do a small campaign? The recommendations are sky high. Anyway, I guess I’ll find out soon enough what kind of value this system has.

I started my campaigns, and I just wanted to note here that it’s probably not as scary as it appears. I’ve been running for a couple days and have still only spent about $15 for about 2500 impressions and 21 installs. The $500 daily limit isn’t even close to being hit at this rate.


hi sir i have also some question about this can i ask you THANKU

Sure, although I stopped using the service several months ago.

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thanku sir where i contact you about question

I want to run install compaign on unity but its my first time and i’m beginner level.so nee some guideline about budget its show compaign budget 700$ and daily budget 100$ if anyone have just 100$ so what he do?



I’m not sure how to answer you, unfortunately. You should contact the Unity team that handles that stuff.

when u use unity service u get profit roas or not? and use applovin or not for game install