We have noticed a bug in Unity Beta 5.6.0.b11 wherein even if the Android manifest file has correct VR mode set and also in Unity the VR mode is set, the generated APK file does not include following uses-feature tag.
Due to this, when you upload the APK to Daydream store, it does not allow uploading due to missing tag.
This is a known issue in the current beta and will be fixed in RC1. It is possible for you to make your own little manifest file that includes this one feature request and have it be merged in to resolve this issue for now.
Adding the simplest manifest possible into Plugins/Android/AndroidManifest.xml
I tried the above solution, with no success.
Instead, export the project as Android project.
Open the project with Android Studio.
Edit the AndroidManifest.
Build and run.
d_v_, it seems the snippet joejo provided in #3 as a workaround doesn’t contain quite enough of the XML to work, although it does fix the missing uses-feature element.
What did work for me (Unity 5.6.0b11) is taking the contents of the AndroidManifest-Daydream.xml from the GVR SDK (I used the file from the current version: 1.30.0), appended |layoutDirection to end of the list of values that file has for the activity’s android:configChanges and added the missing <uses-feature android:name="android.software.vr.mode" android:required="false" />.
All of that goes into Plugins/Android/AndroidManifest.xml and effectively merges:
Mostly working template Daydream manifest
Fix for fullscreen / system bar suppression requirement (by adding `layoutDirection’)
That layoutDirection is a change I noticed between AndroidManifest.xml files generated between 5.6.0b9 and b11 (I didn’t try b10), using the ‘Android export’ checkbox:
Ahh… no that isn’t the fix for that. The only fix for that is a code fix and that will be in the next release (RCX). I don’t have a date on that other than “soon”.