Bug caused by Singleton Pattern

This is my audio manager script(singleton)

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class AudioManager : MonoBehaviour {

	private static AudioManager _instance;

	public static AudioManager Instance {
		get { 
			if (_instance == null) {
				Debug.Log ("No AudioManager gameobject was found");
			return _instance;

	void Awake(){
		_instance = this;

	void Start(){

	public AudioSource AddAudio(GameObject targetGameObject, AudioClip clip, bool loop, bool playOnAwake, float volume){
		AudioSource newAudio = targetGameObject.AddComponent<AudioSource> ();
		newAudio.clip = clip;
		newAudio.loop = loop;
		newAudio.playOnAwake = playOnAwake;
		newAudio.volume = volume;

		return newAudio;

and this is my Shoot script(attached to enemy and player object) that calls the singleton

	void Awake(){
		shootAudio = AudioManager.Instance.AddAudio (this.gameObject, shootClip, loop, playOnAwake, audioVolume);

       void ShootStuff(){

I set up up this way so that if the ShootScript(or any other script) requires another sound clip to be played, i can just create a new audio source in the script, reference it to the instance of AudioManager’s AddAudio function, and a AudioSource component will be created automatically.

The problem arises when i clone the Enemy prefab, the ShootScriptComponent on the cloned Enemy automatically disables when i run the game. Why is it that the Player object that has the same shootScript attached works fine but not for the cloned Enemy, and how should i fix it??? Thanks

You initialize the Singleton in Awake and you use it in Shoot Script in Awake. So you should either setup the “Script execution order” to call the singleton before the shoot or simply call the singleton in the Shoot script in Start and not Awake.